My name is Diya Motha,
I’m currently doing my undergrad in Pune. I graduated from Kings school in the year 2018. Saying goodbye was very emotional of me because, not only was I leaving school but also my second home. I was a boarder at Kings for 10 years, and my experience was nothing short of amazing. Joining a boarding school at a young age was a bit scary but everyone from the teachers to the students welcomed me with open arms. When I was younger I loved the fact that I always had friend to play with after school was done and as I grew older studying with them also helped me achieve my academic goals. As we formed a bond among ourselves to helped each other out in areas that we struggled in.Being in the boarding taught be so many things that I now value. Living with people that are different but also similar in so many ways taught me how to understand, care and treat other people. I could always count on the staff and teachers to help me any situation needed. The occasional cafeteria, campfire program really brought out the creative side of all the students. As mentioned earlier, even though I’m studying in a different city, the values I learnt it school have always seemed to help me figure my way around things. One of things my miss the most is the food. The food that Kings boarding offers is above average. I would like to thank King’s for giving me this opportunity as thinking about my boarding experience still brings a smile to my face.
I am Vathana, an alumnus of Kings. I took my first step in Kings back in 2005. Little was I aware this place was going to bring out the best version of myself. Every day at Kings was exciting. From UKG to Std.12 I saw myself grow up into a person with not just academic knowledge but with leadership quality and social responsibility. My 13 years of schooling taught me to dream and believe in the same. I was a scared, native little girl when I entered Kings. But in 2018 when I completed my class.12 I was someone who represented the school and won in the junior level English elocution competition conducted by Indian Space Research Organisation for 2 consecutive years. Coming from a family with minimal English knowledge, the only reason for my success is the work and support of the teachers and management. Kings prepared me for the life that awaits. It shifted my view from failure and fear to victory and confidence. It paved a way for a successful life ahead. It’s a place where there’s always room for showcasing our talents, being corrected and molded into a better person. The learning process was an innovative and interactive one. The activities the faculty got us involved in were multi-dimensional and not monotonous that the values of the same is being carried for life rather than a fixed term. I was fortunate enough that my parents chose Kings to educate me. The overall experience at Kings was tremendous and is still continuing to massively impact my life every day. It’s a privilege to be a Kingstonian for which I am eternally grateful.
Batch year 2017-2018
Hi! I’m Arun!
I’ve been a student at Kings for 12 years and from what I’ve experienced I can tell you it’s a great school. I believe only Kings gives the best education for the students in the Southern India. It teaches me to stand out from others and to think out of the box. First, I get to learn about many things I never knew about. The school has a balanced system that meets every parent’s needs. There is a deep sense of peace and tranquillity in the school campus. Inspiring, compassionate and caring teachers make learning a fun filled activity. The zeal of learning and the ecstasy of the environment is what one gets to experience at Kings. What I feel is, Kings is a uniquely featured school that makes me to think the unthinkable; to reach, the unreachable and to discover the undiscovered. It kindles me to find not the solution for a problem but the questions. Kings management supports me in all my endeavour to fulfill my dreams. Thank you, Kings for accompanying me throughout my journey.